Bayside Live TV is proud to announce that the Bayside cell phone app that's been serving the community and placing Bayside in the palm of everyones hand for over 4 years now is being upgraded to accommodate Apple's new OS 11 operating system and provding all new and improved services for both the residents of Bayside and the businesses it lists in its directory. It will still be a portal to deliver Bayside Live TV's video documentaries about your community to you as well as link you to all your favorite social media but will also serve businesses with improved functionalities to help make the new Bayside Lifestyle and Experience that much more valuable and appreciated. Thank you all who've helped guide us with what you wanted to see on the app. We look forward to continuing to serve you and Bayside in even bigger and better ways in the upcoming year. There are lots of things to do and see here for everyone. Browse the directory pages to find business vendors that service your needs. Or get your business listed here and let customers find you. Use this app to receive news & announcements from Bayside Live TV, follow them on social media, and more.