December 6, 2017 CODE BLUE: An Alert sent out by many social services agencies overseeing the homeless when the temperature outside is predicted to drop below 32′ and freezing, causing a dangerous and life threatening situation to those without shelter or adequate heat. During a Code Blue alert, certain city agency case workers are required […]
January 7, 2017 To all: Here is one of the first of a whole series of year end videos going up about our Bayside. This is part #1 of this years 2017 Children’s Holiday Parade. Part #1 literally puts you in the center of the parade and has you walking amongst the crowd and marching […]
April 21, 2017 Incredible things are happening on Bell Blvd in the heart of Bayside thanks to the relentless determination of a small number dedicated Baysider’s who are forming the Bayside Council for the Arts and bringing us the Bayside Arts Center where incredibly exciting events are being produced for the enjoyment of everyone […]
June 4, 2017 It’s Sunday, June 4th 2017, the last day the cash registers attached to C.J Sullivan’s will ring. Its closing in a few hours and there’s been a steady Stream of loyal fan , family and friends showing up to pay their respects, say thank you for all […]
April 21, 2017 Not too long ago Bayside got a real cultural treat with a preview at the Bayside Arts Center that’s forming of an up and coming theatre production by the Vox Lumiere Theatre company headed by Kevin Saunders. Vox Lumiere was the first French Silent Film producer / director who did such greats […]